Letnik 2022 je slamnato rumene barve s poudarjenimi
zelenkastimi odtenki. Vonj je bogat, sorten, prijeten. Zelèn je vino z bogatim in harmoničnim sortnim
okusom. Polnost okusa priča o bogati sestavi ekstrakta, ki se v ustih dalj časa kaže s sproščanjem
sladko-kislih zaznav v lepem ravnotežju. Odlično se poda k zelenjavnim in ribjim jedem. Serviramo
ohlajeno na 10-12°C. Nastanek usedline je naraven proces staranja vina. Vsebuje sulfite. Brez
dodanih barvil in arom. Ročna trgatev. Veganom prijazno.

Vintage 2022, dry and fresh. The colour of the wine is straw yellow with pronounced greenish shades.
The aroma is rich, varietal and pleasant. This is wine with a rich and distinguishing varietal flavour.
The roundness of flavour testifies to the rich structure of the extract which lingers in the mouth through
the well-balanced sweetness and acid being released. It pairs perfectly with vegetable dishes and sea
food. It is served at a temperature between 10° and 12°C. Sediment formation is the natural process
of aging wine. Contains sulphites. No coloring or flavoring added. Hand harvested. Vegan friendly.

We are a rather small family-run boutique winery. The name WIPACH is an old Celtic name for
Vipava. The word derives from two short celtic words, »WIP« (a valley) and »ACH« (a rock) meaning
»Valley beneath the rocks«. We believe in natural methods of processing the grapes and we aspire to
our wines being natural and people-friendly.

It weights 1,3 kilograms.

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Wipach Zelen

  • Brands Wipach
  • Product Code: Wipach Zelen
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 12.00€

  • Ex Tax: 12.00€