Letnik 2021 je nežne rumenkaste barve z zlatimi
odtenki. Vonj je saden in nežen, spominja na aromo limone in sadež bele breskve. Je
prijetnega in polnega okusa. Ravnotežje v ustih je na strani svežine, ki poudari sadni značaj.
Vino ima najraje družbo osvežilnih solat, odlično pa se poda tudi k raznim morskim
predjedem in belemu mesu. Serviramo ohlajeno na 10-12°C. Nastanek usedline je naraven
proces staranja vina. Vsebuje sulfite. Brez dodanih barvil ali arom. Ročna trgatev. Veganom

Vintage 2021, dry and fresh. The wine is gentle yellowish colour with golden elements. The
aroma is fruity and tender, reminiscent of lemon and white peach fruit. It is pleasant and full
of taste. The balance in the mouth is on the side of freshness, which emphasizes the fruity
character. The wine prefers the company of refreshing salads, but also pairs perfectly with
various seafood appetizers and white meat. It is served at a temperature between 10-12°C.
Sediment formation is the natural process of aging wine. Contains sulphites. No coloring or
flavoring added. Hand harvested. Vegan friendly.

»We are a family-run boutique winery. The name WIPACH is an old Celtic name for Vipava, it derives
from two words WIP (valley) and ACH (rock), which means »Valley beneath the rocks«. We believe in
traditional and natural methods of processing the grapes and we aspire to our wines being natural
and people-friendly.»

It weights 1,3 kilograms.


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Wipach Riesling

  • Brands Wipach
  • Product Code: Wipach Riesling
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 11.00€

  • Ex Tax: 11.00€